Going Live: How To Get Over Stage Fright for Social Media Marketing In Your Trade And Construction Business.

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Being on camera is scary.

A screen in your face.

The pressure of who might be watching.

You did not start your Trade and Construction business to be on video everyday.

Which is why, in my experience, so many Trades and Construction owners avoid it.

Like a kids party when the Champions League final is on.

With everything in their being.

But here’s the thing.

If you’re trying to use Social Media to help grow your business, then the reality is you need to be.

Video is a massive part of being social, on social.

And goes a huge way in building up a brand 100 times faster than without it.

Videos have the most engagement when it comes to posts.

But I’m not talking about pre-recorded videos here.

I’m talking about Live Video.

Going Live.

⚠️ All the Social Media platforms promote more of the content of the Trade and Construction users who are using all their tools. And this includes Live video.

So let’s start here.

What are Social Media Lives?

‘Lives’ are a video streaming feature on social media platforms - such as Facebook and Instagram - that allow you to post videos as the name suggests...


As they happen.

In real-time.

From your phone.

Ah the power.

But this comes hand in hand with some serious stage fright for many.

That means you point blank refuse to do it for your Trade and Construction business.

And I’m guessing that might be you?

I want to help empower you to see it’s not as scary as you might think.

And to embrace the Live.

With some quick fire tips.

Because Lives can have some serious effect on your brand and therefore, your business.

So let’s dive right in…

1. Keep your Social Media Live Videos short and to the point.

Here’s the first tip to help rid your nerves.

Lives do not need to be 20-minute-long blockbusters.

Regardless of what you see other people do.


There are the chosen few who can reel off these epics and keep us engaged for that amount of time – or longer.

But we are no Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

Nor do we have to be.

Start with 60 seconds.

30 even.

For your first few Lives at least.

I’d rather see a short, sharp Live that got to the point, than a rubbish one that lasted 10+ minutes that bored me to tears.

You do not need to fill up a certain amount of time for the ‘perfect’ Live.

So get that out your head straight off the bat.

A Live video on Social Media for your Trade and Construction busineSs is as long as you need it to be to get across what it is you want to deliver.

And starting with a simple intro of who you are and what you do, on camera – even if only for a handful of seconds - breaks the seal and helps you realise this is not as scary as everyone makes out.

Keep it short.

Start with less.

Because I guarantee it will do more for you in the long run.

And if you have better earlier experiences, you’re more likely to keep at it.


2. Prepare your Live video for your Trade and Construction business before doing it.

The worst Lives by Trade and Construction folk I’ve ever seen?

The ones that didn’t prepare.

At all.

Just got on camera. And waffled.

For the sake of ‘doing a Live’.

No substance.

No thought.

And did more damage than good.

Because the team in the background looked a mess and showcased language more coloured than a RAL Colour Chart. 🌈

And worse than that…

Doing a Live video WHILST driving their vehicle.


NEVER drive whilst doing a Live Video.

Even if you don’t cause yourself or someone else an accident, you can watch your Brand become a write-off in 3 seconds flat.

Don’t let this be you.

Now, I’m not talking about preparing a script.

Or getting the subbie or apprentice to get out a clapper board. 🎬

Your preparation can take all of 60 seconds.

But that 60 seconds can GAME-CHANGE exactly how that Live is going to go.

And if you’re of a nervous disposition as soon as someone whips a camera out, then preparing is going to go a long way in helping you calm those nerves.

Simply because you know what’s happening next.

You’ve removed the ‘unknown’.

So here’s a quick 60 second check list for the surroundings and visuals of your Live Prep: 

✅ Is it safe where I’m going Live?

✅ What will be in the background? Does it represent me well?

✅ If there are other people around, have they been warned I’m going Live?

✅ Am I suited and booted correctly and on brand?

✅ Is it quiet enough that my Live will be heard or do I need to pick a better time and place?

Now that’s a 30 second preparation if ever there was one.

Here’s one more 30 second prep. 

This time for what you’re going to say:

📢 Intro: Name, company and what is it you do. (5- 10 seconds)

📢 What specifics you are going to talk about in your Live (E.g., Where you are, what job you are on, an industry tip). 

TIP - You could even bullet-point this out on a post it if it helps with your nerves.

📢 Outro: How you will end the video (E.g., ‘Catch me again tomorrow to see what colour we’re painting the walls. See you then!’)

It really isn’t rocket science. 🚀

And again, takes 30 seconds in your mind to plan those 3 things.

Know how you’re starting.

What you’re going to talk about as the main show.

How you’re going to end it.

Anything else is a bonus.

As they say…

‘Failure to prepare is preparing to fail’.

Good old Benjamin Franklin.

3. Relax. Social Media Live Videos don’t need to be totally polished for your Trade and Construction Business.

The best thing about social media Live videos...

They don’t have to be perfect.

No one is expecting BBC level film production here.

In fact, the most successful Lives are those that are a bit rough round the edges.

Where you might stumble on a word or two.

Perhaps the Tool you were going to show us (no, not your apprentice) has been moved to the other side of the room and you have to go and get it.

Maybe a Team member does end up walking onto site behind you carrying in the new flooring… who stops to say hi on the Live and introduce themselves.

None of this ruins a Live.

It makes it even better.

We want to feel like we are there with you.

✨ That you are taking us behind the scenes on your social media Lives - so we get a glimpse of how the magic happens in your Trade and Construction business.


There needs to be preparation to ensure safety and professionalism (as we mentioned).

But when positives pop up, go with it!

It’s Live TV.

No one expects perfection here.

We love a bit of the unexpected.

Even nerves come off as a positive on camera.


Because it shows us you care about what you’re doing.

So take a breath.


And remove the pressure of trying to be perfect.

4. Let the camera focus on other shots besides you when going Live for your Trade and Construction Business.

This one is a great tip for our Live newbies.

A little trick I have taught plenty of Trades when they are just starting out with this.

Because putting your face on camera is scary as hell.

So why don’t we ease into it.

Especially for your first Live.

How would you feel if I said to you, just go on camera for 5 seconds?

I’m going to bet my Netflix subscription that you’d choose that over doing a 10 minute Live, right?

Well this is exactly what I’m telling you to do.

When you go Live for the first few times.

You are going to go Live for 5 seconds at the start and introduce yourself on camera.

‘Hi everyone. I’m Jack Frost from Frost Air Conditioning. And our customers are the coolest.’

Then you are going to tap the button on your phone that switches the camera around to face the other way.

From here, you are going to do the Live that you have prepped, showing us what’s on the other side of your phone… not your face.

And show us your site. 

Why is this ground-breaking?

👌🏽 We get you going Live!

👌🏽 We see your face (super important for your brand) at the start of the video.

👌🏽 We begin building a relationship with you – even if it’s only a few seconds worth.

👌🏽 You’ll no doubt get more engagement now as we ALWAYS engage more with faces on social media - especially ones we know.

👌🏽 You feel less pressure because you’re only on camera a short while.

👌🏽 You will get back more confidence when you turn the camera view the other way to talk us through what you want to show us on site.

👌🏽 Facebook loves you and starts promoting you to more people as you are utilising more if it’s tools.


This is NOT a permanent fix.

Do this a few times to help get your confidence up.

When it does, start turning the camera back round at the end of your Lives.

For the outro.

To say goodbye and tell us when you’ll be popping up again next.

Hold yourself accountable.

And as time passes, once you’ve got the first few Lives under your belt, start staying on camera a bit longer each time.

This has worked for the shyest Trades I’ve ever met.

And their confidence (and social media pages) have blossomed because of it.

5. Remember: By going Live in your Trade and Construction Business, you are helping us.

Another way to help you kick those nerves to the curb.

Is to think like this.

That every time you go Live, you’re doing it to help someone.

It could be that you are giving a valuable tip on how to make sure your pipes don’t burst in the winter.

Maybe you’re introducing yourself so we get to know you and feel more comfortable reaching out to enquire (for those nervous of having Trades in their home).

Perhaps by going Live and sharing something funny that happened in the business today you are brightening up someone else’s day.

Instead of thinking of all the people that could be watching you Live (and in the early days it is unlikely to be too many) think of the one person you are hoping is watching.

The home owner who’s pipes you don’t want to burst.

The anxiety sufferer who is too nervous to call the electrician.

The business owner who has had a really tough day and is going to smile at your video.

As long as you have a purpose to every Live, I promise you, doing it is going to feel so much easier.

Because you are making it about others.

You do this every single day in your business.

Trying to help folk.

In person.

So now it’s your time to do it on video.

It's not about us judging you.

We want to hear from you.

6. Practice going Live by not going Live - with video.

Maybe Selfie Videos (filming yourself with the camera facing you) has never been your thing. 

Perhaps you’ve never done one in your life.

But it’s a great way to practice for a social media Live.

Filming a selfie video on your phone. 🤳🏽


✅ Because you can practice holding the phone in the right place to see your face.

✅ Practice your volume.

✅ Get used to being filmed.

✅ Practice out of sight - with nobody ever seeing it.

✅ Watch it back IF you feel you want to see how you did.

✅ Delete it when you’re finished.


If a Live has gone disastrously wrong (for whatever reason) you can always delete it.

It doesn’t have to stay online forever.

But of course, if any folk did join you Live, then there’s no way of undoing what they saw.

So, give it a go.

Practice doing a Live – on your phone – by not going Live.

And maybe you’ll just surprise yourself.

7. Do a Live test run in a Trade safe space on Facebook.

Then lastly.

When you’ve practiced your Selfie Videos a couple of times.

And you’re pretty much nailing it.

Now it’s time to GO LIVE on social media.

Though I know what you’re thinking.

What if I do the Tech wrong?

What if it all goes to pot, LIVE on screen.


I have one more suggestion to help ease you in.

Go Live in our Trades only Facebook Group – Tricks of the Trade.

Here you can do a Live exactly as you would on your own social media page.

But this a PRIVATE Facebook Group. 

Consisting only of Trades.

Where plenty of the members have used this space in the past to test out Going Live.

Without judgement.

Out of the eyes of clients.

To test the tech too.

And we can even give constructive feedback to help you on your way with it.

So before you take that final step and Go Live on your own business page.

Test it out with us.

Right here.

And use the #TradeLiveTest, so we can check it out and give you some feedback and tips.



1. Keep your Lives short and to the point to start with.
2. Prepare.  
3. Relax: Lives do not to be completely polished.
4.  Focus on shots besides you.
5. Remember: By going Live you are helping us.
6. Practice by recording videos.
7. Do a test run in our Trade safe space (Tricks of the Trade – Trade Only Facebook Group)

Need a little more help nailing Social Media for your Trades and Construction business?

Course you do.

First. Let’s work out where you are with Social Media.
Got 3 minutes?

Take our Trades Quiz to discover how you score with Social Media and all things ‘Off The Tools’.

We have heaps of tips, tricks, and hacks for your Trade and Construction business in our cheat sheets, videos and ideas waiting for you on the other side… i.e., your results page.

So, you can improve your score. And NAIL your Trade and Construction business.


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